Mortality in Ukraine last year almost tripled the birth rate.

Birth rate in Ukraine decreased, while mortality increased
As of 2024, there were 495.09 thousand registered deaths in Ukraine, which is 2.8 times more than the number of births - 176.78 thousand.
Compared to the previous year, the birth rate decreased by 5.7%, while mortality decreased to a lesser extent - by 0.2%. However, in the second half of 2024, there is an improvement in demographic indicators: the number of births increased by 1.6%, while the number of deaths decreased by 2.7%.
The highest number of births was recorded in Lviv (15,642) and Kyiv (10,222) regions, as well as in the city of Kyiv (19,706). The highest number of deaths was recorded in Odesa (32,147), Kharkiv (34,883), and Lviv (31,416) regions.
In various regions of Ukraine, there is a significant difference in the ratio of the number of deaths to the number of births. The worst situation is observed in Kherson and Donetsk regions, where this indicator reaches 11 and 8.5 times, respectively. A deterioration of the situation is also observed in Zaporizhzhia (4.7 times), Sumy (4.7 times), Kharkiv (4.5 times), and Chernihiv (4.4 times) regions.
The best indicators are in Rivne region (1.6 times), Zakarpattia and Volyn regions (1.7 times each), and Kyiv (1.8 times). Chernivtsi region has an indicator of 1.9 times, while Lviv has two times.
According to the Demographic Development Strategy of Ukraine until 2040, it is planned to reduce the population to 28.9 million by 2041 and to 25.2 million by 2051. At the beginning of 2022, the population of Ukraine was 42 million, and as of July 2024, it is 35.8 million.
It should be noted that there are 29 million people living in the territory controlled by Ukraine.
It is also worth noting that before the large-scale invasion in Ukraine, there were 1.2 children per woman of reproductive age, and after that, the figure dropped to 0.9. This is the third lowest figure in the world.
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