The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: greetings in prose, verses and cards.

On September 8, Ukraine celebrates the holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God (the Birth of Jesus Christ). This is a universal day of joy, celebrated by both the Orthodox and Catholic churches. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the twelve great church holidays.
Previously, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated on September 21, but after the transition to the new Julian calendar, the date changed. Already in 2023, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary fell on a new date. It has not changed this year.
History of the holiday
Christians have been celebrating this holiday since the VI century. According to legends, the parents of the Virgin Mary - Joachim and Anne - were a pious couple, but, having been married for 50 years, they had no children. The Jews, who considered infertility a divine punishment for a person's sins, mocked them.
Once at the holiday, a priest in the Jerusalem temple even refused to accept a sacrifice from Joachim, publicly calling him a sinner. His wife heard this and went to her garden.
The man was saddened by this and prayed to God with tears for a long Time. Then an angel appeared to him, prophesying the imminent birth of a child. In response, the old man promised to dedicate the child to God. Meanwhile, Anna also saw an angel and received similar comfort. Soon a girl was born to the couple, whom they named Mary.
The essence of the holiday is to glorify the Blessed Virgin Mary - the first event in a series of those with which the Lord prepared to save mankind. And also that a person must believe and trust in God, even when no one believes in them.
Greetings in verses
Mary's Nativity is an unusual holiday -it's the day of the brightest holy!May she shine with grace,May she not pass you by.
The heavens bless,The Lord gives wonders!Good news has spread far and wide -The Most Holy Virgin is born!I wish you to open your heart,Let in joy and goodness,Let miracles come to you,Let them bring good fortune!
On the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin MaryA miracle will happen.Your heart will be filled with happiness,There will be paradise in your soul.May neither diseases nor sorrowsEver find you.There will be good news,Only joy will bring years.
Already came the Second Most HolyAnd wove into her beadsBunches of viburnum, purple berriesFilled apples, juicy pears,From watermelons, melons and plumsFrom unique earthly wonders.Let's thank, bow!And humbly prayTo the Virgin Mary - for such gifts.
Greetings in prose
Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary! I wish peace, joy in the family and success in business. May the Most Holy Virgin save you and your loved ones under her protection. Happiness, God's grace and love to you!
Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! May the Mother of God protect your home and family from trouble and harm, save under her protection and fill your hearts with pure faith. Peace to you, goodness and spiritual grace! Spiritual and physical health, vitality, less troubles and difficulties in the modern world, more strength to move forward, prosperity to meet all needs.
I hasten to congratulate you on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and wish you good, love, luck and boundless happiness! May this bright holiday bring many positive emotions and sincere smiles! I wish you to live in harmony with yourself and enjoy life! May love enter your heart, may your soul be filled with immaculate faith. I wish families health and peace, live in harmony and never lose hope. May the Intercessor Holy Virgin Mary save you from various troubles, bad thoughts and wrong deeds.
May peace and tranquility always reign in your home. May the Lord always guard your hearth, family and friends. Never give in to despair and believe that there are many miracles in the world that are given to us by the heavens themselves. Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Congratulations on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and sincerely wish you peace, happiness, health, joy, goodness and delight. May true miracles happen in your life, may not a day pass without hope, love and a glorious deed. May the thoughts of your soul be pure and immaculate, may your deeds be good and noble, may your path be bright and happy, may the love of your heart be great and sincere.
Greeting cards
It should be noted that September is full of holidays and memorable dates. In particular, on September 14, Ukraine will celebrate the Day of Tank Forces, and on September 29 Ukraine and the whole civilized world will commemorate the memory of the victims of Babi Yar.
Also, on September 22, we will celebrate the autumnal equinox.
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