Patriarch Kirill felt unwell after the procession, an ambulance was called for him (photo).

Patriarch Kirill after the Cross Procession
Patriarch Kirill after the Cross Procession

After the procession along Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Gundyaev (Kirill), addressed the believers and fell ill. According to a source in Smolny, the cause of the indisposition was the heat. The doctors provided the necessary assistance, and the Patriarch left the place in his own car.

During his speech, the Patriarch warned believers against temptations and Western influence. He emphasized that despite better Western stores and entertainment, the truth is on Russia's side. He also emphasized the importance of living to improve the lives of others.

After the end of the procession, the Patriarch felt unwell and was escorted to an ambulance. According to the report, medics believe the indisposition was caused by the heat.

Patriarch Kirill is obliged to convince the global audience

The head of the ROC received the task of convincing the global religious community that it is not Russia that violates the principles of religious freedom, but Ukraine. In his meetings with religious figures, the Patriarch will try to prove that «evil is good, and lies are truth».

At a previously gathered rally, Patriarch Kirill called on the ROC believers to go to war. He emphasized that Russians must defend Russia from external and internal enemies. He also thanked Putin for the war in Ukraine and supported the war crimes of the occupying army.

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