Dangerous Choice: Why You Shouldn't Buy Cars Older Than 15 Years.

car older than 15 years
Обираючи автомобіль, варто дбати про безпеку: чому варто уникати старих моделей.

Buying Old Cars: Risks and Costs

Automotive expert Yevhen Yermolov emphasizes the serious risks and potential additional costs when purchasing old cars on the Ukrainian car market. He notes that importing cars older than 15 years is dangerous due to their exhausted resources and lack of modern safety systems.

Particular concern arises regarding used diesel cars, many of which lack environmental safety systems. These cars often have removed catalysts and particulate filters, leading to unpleasant exhaust odors.

'There should be certain restrictions on the import of old cars, but not a complete ban,' says Yevhen Yermolov.

The expert also stresses the need to check the car's mileage before purchasing and to understand that old cars require more attention and expenses for repair and maintenance. He emphasizes that there are many alternatives in the market, so it's not worth the risk of buying old models.

The Ukrainian car market needs a balanced approach to regulation to ensure the availability of cars for the population but not turn the country into a 'graveyard' of old European cars. Banning the import of old cars is not feasible, but certain restrictions must be established.

Statistics show that most Ukrainians still prefer to buy used cars despite the associated risks. In 2023, Ukrainians purchased 69.6 thousand new cars, but the import of used cars amounted to 222 thousand units.

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