The network is flooded with funny memes and photoshopped images after the launch of the online marriage service in «Diia».

Memes and photoshops about online marriage in 'Дія'
Memes and photoshops about online marriage in 'Дія'

After the Ministry of Digital Transformation launched the online marriage service in «Diia», and now you can get married in a few clicks, the network was filled with jokes, photoshopped images and memes on this topic.

In particular, internet jokers are making fun of how the process of getting married and registering marriage will proceed in the future, and also fantasize that soon you will be able to choose your better half based on data from the tax registry, land registry, property rights registry, medical records, voting history, and national cashback statistics.

«Glavkom» collected the most vivid jokes.
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Let us remind you that Minister Mykhailo Fedorov informed that the Ministry of Digital Transformation launched the online marriage service in «Diia». Now you can get married in a few clicks. «Only in Ukraine can you go through the full cycle of getting married - from applying, marrying online to receiving the certificate in the app. You no longer need to go anywhere, collect documents, and put them in a folder to become husband and wife. Now it's a few clicks in «Diia»», the minister said.

Fedorov noted that thanks to the online marriage, the military and couples who are far from each other will be able to get married despite the circumstances, the distance between cities or even countries.

Earlier, on May 29, the Ministry of Digital Transformation launched a beta test of the online marriage service in «Diia».

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