Two rifles and grenades: Forbes analyzed the equipment of North Korean soldiers in Kursk.

North Korean soldiers with rifles in Kursk
Зброя та боєприпаси: Forbes дослідив оснащення військових Північної Кореї в Курську.

The Ukrainian 22nd Mechanized Brigade destroyed the commander of a platoon of North Korean troops in the Kursk region. According to Forbes analyst David Axe, this provided an opportunity to assess his equipment.

A North Korean soldier was found with a Chinese radio, grenades, and two types of weapons - the AK-12 assault rifle and the 'Vepr-12' 12-gauge shotgun. Experts believe that such powerful weapons were made possible due to the high level of physical training of North Korean soldiers.

Analysts also note that the 'Vepr-12' shotgun can be used to combat FPV drones. Ukrainian military praised the accuracy of North Korean soldiers and their unconventional but effective tactics for destroying drones. This involves one person acting as a bait while two others set up an ambush to take out the drone.

According to David Axe, Russian troops in the Kursk region have poor physical fitness and insufficient equipment; on the contrary, North Korean soldiers stand out for their high level of preparation and equipment.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that 4,000 of the 12,000 North Korean soldiers have already died in Kursk. He announced this information at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

It should be noted that the President of Ukraine also showed a video of communication between captured North Korean soldiers and investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine. According to the captive, North Korean troops in Kursk suffer significant losses. The soldier claims that he did not know where and against whom he was fighting.

A high risk of Kursk's death is anticipated by 2025

According to analysts at ISW, if North Korean soldiers continue to suffer losses, by mid-April 2025 about 12,000 North Korean military personnel in the Kursk region may be killed or injured.

The government of South Korea is consulting with Ukraine regarding the return of North Korean soldiers who were captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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