Demographer told how many people live in territories controlled by Ukraine.

Residents in the territory controlled by Ukraine
Residents in the territory controlled by Ukraine

Director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research named after Mykhailo Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ella Libanova stated that 16 to 30 million people live in the territories controlled by Ukraine. According to her, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees believes that 6 million Ukrainians have left the country, but Libanova doubts this statement, as there is no reliable information about the number of Ukrainians in Russia. According to Eurostat, as of August, 4.2 million Ukrainians have received temporary protection status in the EU.

According to the Ministry of Social Policy, Ukraine's population has decreased from 52 million in 1991 to about 35 million now. Of these, 31 million live in Ukrainian-controlled territories, 2.3 million in Crimea, and 1.8 million in other occupied territories. The Ministry of Social Policy expects that by 2050, Ukraine's population will shrink to 25.2 million citizens.

Currently, Ukraine and Russia could face a demographic crisis due to the death or injury of more than a million military personnel during combat. There is no reliable data on the exact number of injured civilians. Libanova previously noted that to maintain Ukraine's population at the level of 30 million, it is necessary to attract 300 thousand migrants annually.

The Director of the Institute also stated that the integration of Crimea residents would be easier after the war compared to Donbas.

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