Military personnel can express their opinions about service anonymously.

Military personnel express their opinions anonymously
Military personnel express their opinions anonymously

GUROKS has started a survey regarding military service

The mobile application Army+ has announced a new survey. For three weeks, military personnel will be able to express their opinions about military service anonymously. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, referring to information from 'Glavkom'.

The survey consists of 16 questions that will help identify the main problems faced by military personnel and determine the priority issues that need immediate resolution.

«This is a great opportunity to highlight the problem and start solving it systematically», - said the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digitalization Kateryna Chernogorenko.

The Ministry of Defense noted that since the launch of the Army+ app, 11 surveys have already been conducted, receiving over 200,000 responses. The most popular was the survey on the development of the 'Plus' support program for military personnel, which involved nearly 45,000 soldiers.

In January this year, new types of electronic reports were added to the 'Army+' app. In particular, issues of appointment and dismissal, as well as maternity leave, were considered.

'Glavkom' reported this earlier. It is also known that this year Ukrainian military personnel will receive a digital military ID in the Army+ app.

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