In Ukraine, the Housing Code will be canceled: what will change for apartment and house owners.

Image of the Housing Code in Ukraine
В Україні скасування Житлового кодексу: нові реалії для власників квартир та будинків.

The Ukrainian government is preparing to update its housing policy rules. A draft law has been registered that provides for the creation of a modern legal framework for regulating housing relations and meets EU standards. The new rules are set to come into effect at the end of 2025.

One of the main innovations will be the creation of a Unified Information and Analytical Housing System. This system will contain complete information about the housing stock of the country and citizens who have the right to social or service housing. It is planned to be launched in the second half of 2026.

To receive social housing, certain conditions will be established. The housing must meet consumer quality and will be provided to individuals who need social protection or have left their place of residence. If the housing is provided from the private sector, payment will be made based on a rental agreement.

Service housing will be provided to Ukrainian citizens based on a rental agreement so that they can live close to their workplace. Eviction from such housing is possible only after the employment relationship has ended.

The draft law also provides for financial and credit support, which will help citizens build, purchase or rent housing. Available mechanisms include preferential loans, partial payment of the housing cost, equity contributions, interest rate compensation on loans, preferential mortgages, and financial leasing.

The draft law also defines the grounds for evicting tenants from residential premises, such as major repairs, reconstruction, restoration, or emergency condition of the building.

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