Ukrainians explained how long they can legally stay in Poland.

Ukrainian tourists in Poland
Ukrainian tourists in Poland

In 2025, Ukrainians who are in Poland visa-free can legally remain in the country for up to 90 days within every 180 days. To calculate the number of days you have already stayed in the country and how much longer you can remain, there is a convenient calculator on the Schengen website.

It is also worth noting that for Ukrainian citizens who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022, due to military actions, a special temporary protection status is in effect. Its validity was extended to September 30, 2025, for individuals who received a PESEL number marked with UKR or have access to the platform. Under this status, one can stay in Poland without restrictions, work, study, and access medical services.

However, those planning to stay in Poland after this date need to apply for a temporary residence permit or a special residence card through the electronic platform of the Office for Foreigners in Poland.

We previously reported on the issues faced by Ukrainian refugees in the USA and Canada.

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