A man in the USA received nearly 500 years in prison: for what crime.

A young man in a prison cell
A young man in a prison cell

A resident of Georgia, USA, was sentenced to 475 years in prison for organizing dog fights and cruel treatment of animals. The investigation began after an Amazon courier saw several dogs tied with heavy chains in the yard of the perpetrator and reported this to the police. The sheriff found 107 dogs in the house and on the property, which were in terrible conditions. According to veterinarians, most of the animals had scars and were missing teeth.

According to the police, the man organized dog fights and trained the animals to be aggressive. His house had a special treadmill for training, a place for breeding dogs, and a metal stick for prying open the jaws of the animals. Documents linking him to other fight organizers, a first-aid kit with veterinary medications, and contracts for the sale of dogs were also found.

It should be reminded that in Ukraine, cases of cruel treatment of animals also do not go unpunished. Recently, the Dnipro District Court of Kyiv sentenced a man who cruelly treated a stray dog, which led to its death. A resident of Kyiv was sentenced to 7.5 years of imprisonment for his actions, which became a real horror for animals and people.

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