Tankers with Russian Oil Have Found a New Place for Transshipment of Raw Materials in Greece.

Tankers with Russian Oil in Greece
Tankers with Russian Oil in Greece

Secret Transshipment of Russian Fuel Cargoes at Sea Near Greece

According to Bloomberg, around 1 million barrels of diesel fuel, heavy fuel oil, and other petroleum products are moved monthly in the Aegean Sea near the islands of Lesbos and Chios. This activity began after Greece's naval exercises in the Laconian Gulf. It was previously a popular location for such exercises in Europe.

The increase in the volume of Russian oil and fuel movement between ships in Europe poses a threat to the ecology and safety of the vessels involved in this process. Often this occurs in secrecy, with digital beacons turned off or falsified, helping to avoid sanctions and conceal the origin of the oil.

Oil and fuel continue to be transferred from one vessel to another along the Laconian Gulf after Greece's military exercises, but at a reduced speed. This has not affected the waters in this narrow passage, and even after the exercises have ended, this activity has continued near the Italian port of Augusta since May.

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