Subsidy 1500 UAH: The Pension Fund of Ukraine showed a real example of calculation.

example of 1500 hryvnia subsidy calculation
example of 1500 hryvnia subsidy calculation

The Pension Fund of Ukraine explained how housing subsidies are calculated for the 2024 heating season. To explain, they used the example of a family of four.

The amount of the subsidy is determined by comparing the amount of payment for housing and communal services and the obligatory payment. The amount of payment for housing and communal services is calculated taking into account the social norms of housing and service consumption standards, which are established by Government Resolution No. 409.

To calculate the obligatory payment, the average monthly total income of the family is taken into account. In the example for a family with two working parents and two minor children, this income amounted to 17,150 UAH. This amount is obtained by calculating the income for six months (January-June 2024) and dividing by 6 months.

The obligatory payment for this family is 11.01%. It is calculated by a formula that takes into account the number of family members and the subsistence minimum.

Thus, with a payment for housing and communal services in the amount of 3422.45 UAH and an obligatory payment of 1888.22 UAH, the family received a subsidy in the amount of 1534.23 UAH.

We remind you, the Pension Fund of Ukraine announced automatic fuel assistance allocation for part of Ukrainians.

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