Fines for drivers in 2025: Ukrainians reminded about violations and amounts.

Ukrainian drivers can receive fines for violations of traffic rules according to the Code of Administrative Offenses.
'Wave' reminded about the list and amounts of penalties for the most common violations.
Violations related to documents and registration:
- Driving without documents - fine 425 UAH.
- Driving without a driver's license - fine 3400 UAH.
- Driving with a temporary restriction - license suspension for 3-6 months.
- Driving after license suspension - fine 20400 UAH.
- Repeat offense - fine 40800 UAH, license suspension for 5-7 years, and possible seizure of the vehicle.
- Unregistered vehicle - fine 850 UAH.
- Repeat offense - fine 1700 UAH or community service for 30-40 hours.
Violations of license plate rules:
- Problems with license plates - fine 1190 UAH.
- Illegal use of special plates - fine 2250 UAH.
- Repeat offense - fine 5100 UAH.
Technical condition of the vehicle:
- Malfunctions in the vehicle systems - fine 340 UAH.
- Malfunctions in public transport - fine 680 UAH.
- Absence of technical inspection - fine 340 UAH.
- Repeat offense - fine 850-1700 UAH and license suspension for 3-6 months.
Speed limit violations:
- Exceeding speed by 20+ km/h - fine 340 UAH.
- Exceeding speed by 50+ km/h - fine 1700 UAH.
Safety violations:
- Not using seat belts/helmets - fine 510 UAH.
- Violating child transportation rules - fine 510 UAH.
- Repeat offense - fine 850 UAH.
- Driving under the influence - fine 17000 UAH and license suspension for 1 year.
- Repeat driving under the influence - fine 34000 UAH and license suspension for 3 years.
- Third offense within a year - fine 51000 UAH and license suspension for 10 years plus vehicle confiscation.
- Consuming alcohol after an accident - fine 34000 UAH and license suspension for 3 years.
Traffic rule violations:
- Violating passing rules - fine 510 UAH.
- Violating signs, markings, stopping rules - fine 340 UAH.
- Creating an emergency situation - fine 1445 UAH or license suspension for 6-12 months.
- Violating railway crossing rules - fine 340 UAH.
- Entering a closed crossing - fine 850 UAH plus possible seizure of the vehicle or license suspension.
- Accident causing property damage - fine 850 UAH or license suspension for 6-12 months.
- Leaving the accident scene - fine 3400 UAH or license suspension for 1-2 years.
Violations for pedestrians and cyclists:
- Pedestrian traffic rule violations - fine 255 UAH.
- Cyclist violations - fine 340 UAH.
- Inebriated state - fine 680 UAH.
- Creating an emergency situation - fine 850 UAH.
Special violations:
- Parking in disabled spaces - fine 1020-1700 UAH.
- Parking in electric vehicle spaces - fine 340-680 UAH.
- Illegal use of special signals - fine 8500 UAH and confiscation of devices.
- Transporting hazardous materials - fine 510 UAH for drivers, 680 UAH for responsible persons.
- Failure to comply with police requirements - fine 153 UAH or license suspension for 3-6 months.
The fine must be paid within 15 days, otherwise the amount will double.
Ukraine is considering bill No. 8082, which provides for the introduction of mandatory medical and psychological tests for drivers over 65 years old.
In Poland, new road safety rules apply, which provide for fines for drivers using navigation devices in their hands instead of special mounts.
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