Powerful Typhoon 'Pulasun' Hits Shanghai: 112 Thousand Residents Evacuated.

Shanghai, Pulasan. Evacuation of 112,000 residents
Shanghai, Pulasan. Evacuation of 112,000 residents

Typhoon 'Pulasun' Causes Evacuation in Shanghai

Shanghai authorities evacuated 112,000 residents due to the consequences of Typhoon 'Pulasun'. Chinese media report this.

According to them, the typhoon brought heavy rains to Shanghai. Meteorological stations reported that in the Pudong and Fengxian areas, a record amount of rain fell in six hours - more than 30 cm. The movement of 54 trains and 26 ferries was also suspended.

On Thursday, Typhoon 'Pulasun' hit Zhejiang Province, located in eastern mainland China near Shanghai, and then, around 21:45 local Time (16:45 Kyiv time), the typhoon hit Shanghai.

As of 9 a.m. on September 20, more than 300 mm of rain had fallen in the coastal areas of Shanghai, breaking a historical record.

Typhoon 'Pulasun' is the second typhoon to hit Eastern China this week, and the fourteenth since the beginning of the year. On Monday, Typhoon 'Bebinka' struck the Chinese metropolis, becoming the strongest to hit Shanghai since the formation of the PRC in 1949.

According to forecasts, the intensity of Typhoon 'Pulasun' will gradually weaken, authorities at the meteorological center in eastern China's Zhejiang Province reported.

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