More than a year in captivity of the Houthis. The GUR and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted an operation to free Ukrainian sailors.

Ukrainian sailors freed from Houthi captivity
Операція з визволення українських моряків: понад рік у руках руху Хуті.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) together conducted an operation to free three Ukrainian sailors who were held captive by the Houthis. According to the MFA and GUR, they will soon return home.

The Ukrainian sailors were detained during the seizure of the Galaxy Leader vessel in November 2023. Negotiations for their release have been ongoing since then.

Currently, the three Ukrainians are safe and under the care of Ukrainian diplomats, in good physical condition and have all necessary documents. They will soon return to Ukraine.

The Ministry expressed its gratitude to the intelligence officers and Oman for their attention and support for the Ukrainian sailors. They also hope for the development of bilateral relations after the opening of a Ukrainian diplomatic mission abroad.

Intelligence reports that the operation for their release lasted more than a year and involved a negotiation process with the Houthis and other parties involved in this situation.

Military intelligence communicated with the captured Ukrainians in April 2024 and assured them that Ukraine was doing everything possible for their release. On January 22, 2025, the citizens of Ukraine were finally freed.

In November 2023, Yemeni Houthi militants seized the Galaxy Leader vessel with government combatants in the Red Sea. There were Ukrainian sailors on board. The seizure of the vessel was recognized as an act of Iranian terrorism against free citizens.

Prior to the capture, there were citizens of five countries on board the Galaxy Leader: Ukraine, Bulgaria, Mexico, Romania, and the Philippines. Houthi militants claimed to have captured an Israeli vessel, but Israel denied this assertion.

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