PFU warned about the fake 'pension adjustment': scammers have flooded Telegram.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine and the Cyber Police are concerned about the spread of dangerous misinformation online. Some Telegram channels have started spreading false messages about a planned increase in pensions in February 2025 by nearly 1.5 times.
Scammers are trying to deceive users by sending them links with information about the recalculation of pensions for different age groups - from 50 to 70 years old.
Criminals use dubious links to trick trusting users into registering on fake information channels and potentially committing fraud.
'We emphasize that this is just manipulation aimed at deceiving citizens,' - reported the Cyber Police.
Experts urge to be very cautious and not to follow suspicious links.
It is important to understand that pension recalculations are conducted automatically, without the need for citizens to contact and provide their personal data. There are no age restrictions or special registrations required for receiving recalculations.
Earlier, citizens were warned about a fake 'census of the population', when people disguised as police officers visited the apartments of residents.
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