New rules for traffic accidents: drivers told when police are not needed.

Traffic accident without damage: need to call the police
Нові вказівки щодо ДТП: водіям пояснили, коли не викликати поліцію.

Ukrainian drivers can independently document traffic accidents

New rules for documenting traffic accidents have come into force in Ukraine, significantly simplifying the procedure for drivers.

According to the new regulation, in the case of an accident between two vehicles, where there are no casualties but property damage has occurred, participants can independently fill out the necessary documents without contacting the police.

Drivers have the right to independently record the circumstances of the accident by preparing a joint report for the insurance company.

It is important to note that such a report can be prepared in either paper form or electronic format, making the process more convenient and faster for all participants.

'The new rules will significantly simplify and speed up the documentation process for minor traffic accidents, allowing drivers to save Time and avoid unnecessary bureaucracy,' the document states.

Previously, drivers were shown the main cause of mortality for 2024.

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