The Netherlands refuses shelter to Ukrainians due to overcrowded shelters.

Overcrowded Ukrainian shelters in the Netherlands
Overcrowded Ukrainian shelters in the Netherlands

Municipalities in the Netherlands cannot accept Ukrainian refugees due to a lack of space for their accommodation. According to NOS, the municipal centers where Ukrainians stay have been overcrowded for several months. The Association of Municipalities of the Netherlands has just sent a letter to the Prime Minister asking for action, and mayors of four largest cities have approached the Ministry of Asylum and Migration.

The city of Amsterdam has been refusing asylum to dozens of people who are left homeless for two weeks. Municipal councilor Rutger Groot Wassink points out that it is impossible to direct them to other cities, as available places are only in a few locations across the country, and the occupancy rate is nearly 100%.

Currently, there are 120,820 Ukrainians registered in the Netherlands, of which 93,770 are in municipal refugee centers. Municipalities are obligated to provide accommodation under the temporary protection program, which is in effect until 2026.

Previously, we reported that the Netherlands wants to allow working Ukrainians long-term residence in the country.

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