Severe Weather Alert: Forecasters Warn Drivers of Dangers.

Wet road during rain
Wet road during rain

Weather Forecast for November 21-23

According to forecasters, from November 21 to 23, most regions of Ukraine are expected to experience severe weather with heavy rain, snowfalls, and wind gusts reaching 15-20 m/s. The deterioration of weather will also be noticeable in the eastern regions of the country.

Dangerous Weather in the Carpathians

In the Carpathians, heavy snowfalls, blizzards, and strong winds with gusts of up to 25-30 m/s are expected. Roads in the mountains will be covered with snow up to 20 to 50 cm high.

Consequences of Severe Weather

All roads across the country (except for southern regions) will be covered with a snow layer of 3 to 15 cm. Icy conditions and wet snow accumulation are expected. This will significantly complicate conditions for pedestrians and drivers.

Recommendations from the State Emergency Service

The State Emergency Service urges everyone to be extremely cautious, especially pedestrians and drivers. If possible, it is recommended to refrain from long-distance travel.

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