Platoon Commander of Marine Infantry. Remembering Volodymyr Pomogaybo.

Marine infantry platoon commander. Volodymyr Pomohaib
Marine infantry platoon commander. Volodymyr Pomohaib

Every day at 9 am, Ukrainians honor the memory of all whose lives were taken by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today we remember Volodymyr Pomogaybo.

As a result of injuries sustained on the front, the defender of Ukraine, platoon commander of the marine infantry Volodymyr Pomogaybo died. This was reported by the mayor of Cherkasy Anatoly Bondarenko.

Volodymyr Pomogaybo studied at school No. 8 in the city of Cherkasy. Then he entered the Cherkasy Professional Road Transport College, where he obtained the specialty of “mechanic-auto mechanic”.

He then served his mandatory military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He joined the special judicial police unit “Gryphon” and was the commander of a detachment. Later, he participated in the ATO.

He studied at the National Academy of Internal Affairs, where he obtained a bachelor's qualification in law. He held the position of operative officer in the Main Directorate of the National Police. He received a number of awards from the top leadership of the state.

He died from the injuries sustained. The soldier was 37 years old.

“Glavkom” joins the minute of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died in the struggle for their Motherland. We remember those who died at the hands of Russian invaders, light candles of memory, and bow our heads in sorrow during the nationwide minute of silence, honoring the bright memory of the citizens of Ukraine who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the state: all the military, civilians, and children, all who died in the struggle against Russian occupiers and as a result of the enemy troops' attack on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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