«Their policy is against life»: Pope criticizes Trump and Harris.

Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris
Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris

Pope Francis expressed his criticism regarding the presidential candidates in the USA due to Donald Trump's anti-immigrant policy and Vice President Kamala Harris's support for abortion rights. He emphasized that both candidates do not promote life.

The Pope stated: "You must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don't know. Everyone with a conscience must think about this and decide."

Francis condemned Trump's policy towards migrants, indicating that deporting them from the country is terrible and evil. He also mentioned that abortion is murder because there is life there. The Pope called for clear conversation about these matters.

Interestingly, Francis previously spoke more progressively on political topics, for example, allowing priests to forgive abortions, supporting the blessing of same-sex couples. He also emphasized the issue of climate change.

The Pope noted that Catholics in the USA have different views on politics. According to Pew Research, 52% of registered Catholic voters consider themselves supporters of the Republicans, while 44% are Democrats.

Francis also expressed his opinion regarding married couples without children but with pets. He drew attention to the importance of having large families in the context of the global demographic crisis. In addition, the Pope emphasized that sexual satisfaction is a "gift from God," but Catholics should avoid watching pornography.

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