Who among Ukrainians will return from abroad first: the demographer named the category of citizens.

Ukrainians returning from abroad
Ukrainians returning from abroad

Highly qualified specialists have the highest probability of returning to Ukraine from abroad. This was reported by Ella Libanova, head of the Institute of Demography and Social Research, in an interview for NV.

Libanova claims that citizens who have business, real estate, and high income in Ukraine are the first to return.

Those who lost their jobs or homes have less chance of returning. According to Libanova, for many Ukrainians, the "honeymoon" with European life is already over.

The expert explains that many Ukrainians encounter problems abroad due to differences in the education system, medical services, and goods in stores. Libanova pays special attention to the issue of non-recognition of Ukrainian qualifications and diplomas abroad.

«Here I am a candidate of sciences, associate professor, doctor, everyone respects me, but there at best I am a nurse or a nurse» — said Libanova.

In a previous interview for Glavkom, Libanova stated that Ukraine would no longer have 50 million citizens, so the structure of the country's economy must change to work with a smaller population. The demographer believes that population density is important for the country. Previously, Ukraine had 45 people per square kilometer, which is insufficient compared to Europe.

According to Libanova, in the post-war period, there will be territories where less than 30 people will live per square kilometer.

Ella Libanova previously noted that to keep Ukraine's population at the level of 30 million, it is necessary to attract 300,000 migrants annually.

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