Eurozone Unexpectedly Stagnates - Eurostat Data.

Chart of Stagnation in the Eurozone
Еврозона несподівано зупинилась в своєму розвитку – дані Eurostat.

According to Eurostat data, by the end of 2024, the gross domestic product of the eurozone remained at the same level compared to the previous three months, leading to stagnation. This outcome was unexpected, as analysts had forecasted a growth of 0.1%. The losses are felt in the two main economies - Germany and France, and in Italy and Austria, production volumes have practically not changed.

This situation arose due to internal problems of the governments of these countries, undermining the trust of businesses and consumers. In addition, market sentiment is also deteriorating due to the threat of punitive trade measures from U.S. President Donald Trump. However, possible assistance to the eurozone may come from the European Central Bank, which plans to lower the deposit rate to 2.75%.

Companies are already feeling uncertain due to the ambiguity regarding the tariffs that may be introduced by Donald Trump. According to Bloomberg, reports on companies' earnings this month frequently mention the threat of tariffs.

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