Rains, heat, and variable cloudiness: what the weather will be like on September 11.

September 11 - rainy and cold
September 11 - rainy and cold

Weather forecast in Ukraine: different weather depending on the region

On Wednesday, September 11, different weather is expected in Ukraine depending on the region. Western regions will receive autumn coolness and rains, while it will be as hot as summer in the southeast. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Daytime temperatures will range from +19 to +32 degrees Celsius. Most of the precipitation is expected in the western regions.

According to experts from the Ukrhydrometcenter, the wind will have variable directions with a speed of 3-8 meters per second.

Wind map in Ukraine: what will be the wind direction in the coming days

In the south and east of the country, the temperature can reach +30 degrees. In other regions, pleasant weather with temperatures from +19 to +24 degrees is expected.

In the Kyiv region, variable cloudiness without precipitation is expected. The air temperature in the capital during the day will vary from +22 to +24 degrees.

Although the beginning of autumn turned out to be warm, meteorologists warn that autumn may still bring cooling soon.

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