Up to 6800 and 12 thousand hryvnias: fines for disrespecting the court may rise in Ukraine.

Ukraine may significantly increase fines for disrespecting the court. This is reported by 'Hvylya.'
According to the materials of the Judicial and Legal Newspaper, the parliamentary committee recommended the Verkhovna Rada to support bill No. 11387. This bill envisages a substantial increase in penalties for disrespecting the court. In particular, it amends several codes to enhance respect for the judicial system and expedite court proceedings.
The amendments to fines for disrespecting the court are proposed at the first reading:
- First violation: up to 3400 hryvnias
- Repeated violation: up to 6800 hryvnias
- Disrespecting the Constitutional Court of Ukraine: up to 6800 hryvnias.
Changes will also be made to the amounts of monetary penalties for failing to appear at a summons under Article 139 of the CPC.
- from 0.5 to 1 minimum subsistence level for able-bodied persons - in case of failing to appear at the summons of an investigator or prosecutor;
- from 1 to 4 minimum subsistence levels for able-bodied persons - in case of failing to appear at the summons of an investigative judge or court.
This means that in case of failing to appear at the summons of an investigator, such persons would have to pay up to 3028 hryvnias (under the current CPC - up to 1514 hryvnias), and in case of failing to appear at the summons of a judge - up to 12,112 hryvnias (currently - up to 6056 hryvnias).
Moreover, the bill provides for changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses and the CPC regarding ensuring individuals' appearance in court.
Recall that the real pensions of Ukrainian officials and judges have been revealed.
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