Up to 11 thousand hryvnias: salaries, pensions, and the minimum subsistence level will be increased in Ukraine.

Ukraine plans to raise the minimum wage to 11 thousand hryvnias. A draft law proposing this increase has been submitted for consideration by the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. According to this draft law, in 2025 the minimum wage, pensions, and the minimum subsistence level will be increased three times, first in April, then in July, and finally in October. It is expected that these payouts will rise by several thousand hryvnias.
Starting from April 1, the minimum wage will be 9,100 hryvnias (55 hryvnias per hour); from July 1 - 10,100 hryvnias (61 hryvnias per hour); from October 1 - 11,184 hryvnias (68 hryvnias per hour).
It is also planned to increase the minimum subsistence level and minimum pensions. Currently, the minimum pension is 2,361 hryvnias, but from April 1 it will rise to 3,407 hryvnias, from July 1 - to 4,808 hryvnias, and from October 1 - to over 7,000 hryvnias.
The minimum subsistence level for children under 6 years old will increase from April 1 to 3,627 hryvnias, from July 1 - to 5,110 hryvnias, and from October 1 - to 7,533 hryvnias. For children aged 6 to 18 years, the minimum subsistence level from April 1 will be 4,571 hryvnias, from July 1 - 6,451 hryvnias, and from October 1 - 9,467 hryvnias.
The minimum subsistence level for the working-age population from April 1 will be 5,400 hryvnias, from July 1 - 7,620 hryvnias, and from October 1 - 11,184 hryvnias.
We remind you that new rules for money transfers will be introduced in Ukraine.
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