St. Michael's Day: history of the holiday, omens and prohibitions, greetings in prose, poems and bright postcards.

Illustration of St. Michael's Day
Illustration of St. Michael's Day
On September 1, 2023, Ukraine switched to the New Julian Calendar, which changed the date of St. Michael's Day. Now Ukrainians celebrate this holiday on November 8 (previously it was November 21). prepared a selection of greetings and bright postcards. The Church honors Michael as the defender of the Christian faith and the fighter against evil and dark forces. Michael's day was established in the 4th century at the Council of Laodicea. There, the heretical worship of angels, as creators of the world, was condemned and their Orthodox worship was confirmed. It is believed that Michael himself defeated the fallen angel devil and his subordinates. He threw them from heaven to hell. Since then, Archangel Michael has led the holy angelic host, faithful to God, and stands guard over God's law. In the people, Archangel Michael is considered the main fighter against lawlessness and injustice among people. He also stands at the gate of paradise, accompanies the souls of the deceased, and prays to God for the forgiveness of sinners who have repented.

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