Gas stations showed what is happening with the prices of gasoline, diesel, and autogas in Kyiv region.

Fuel prices in Kyiv region
Fuel prices in Kyiv region

Fuel prices in the Kyiv region

Significant price differences were found at gas stations in the Kyiv region. The most popular gasoline A-95 costs an average of 56.47 hryvnias per liter. The 'Avantage 7' network offers the most favorable price - 53 hryvnias. At SOCAR gas stations, the price is 60 hryvnias per liter.

For those who prefer premium fuel, it should be noted that A-95+ is the most expensive option with an average price of 59.74 hryvnias per liter, and at some gas stations, its price reaches 64 hryvnias.

A-92 costs 54.74 hryvnias per liter, while gasoline A-98 is approximately 52 hryvnias per liter.

A-80 is the most affordable gasoline with a price of 17.99 hryvnias per liter.

Diesel fuel costs an average of 54.99 hryvnias per liter, while premium diesel is 57.50 hryvnias per liter.

Autogas is the most economical option with a price of 36.44 hryvnias per liter. The Market network offers the lowest price - 33.89 hryvnias per liter.

Let us remind you that American 'favorites' of Ukrainian drivers were named.

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