Austria is not neutral when it comes to opposing injustice – Nehammer.

A figure standing with a mask and a sign bearing the slogan
A figure standing with a mask and a sign bearing the slogan

Federal Chancellor of Austria: Ukraine deserves protection

Federal Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer stated that Austria is neutral in military terms, but not when it comes to naming crimes by their proper names and opposing injustice.

Defending Ukraine also means protecting common European values, he wrote on social media X.

'Exactly 1000 days ago, Putin launched a brutal and illegal aggressive war against Ukraine, bringing conventional war back to Europe. Austria is neutral in military terms, but not when it comes to naming crimes by their proper names and opposing injustice. Defending Ukraine means protecting common European values: freedom, democracy, and the right to self-determination. Anyone who thinks they can change borders with tanks and missiles must not prevail,' Nehammer noted.

The Chancellor of Austria emphasized that 'peace requires dialogue' and therefore we must 'continue to talk to each other and find solutions.'

'Killings must come to an end. Weapons must finally fall silent. The war must end, and we must find a path to peace. I can assure all Ukrainian men, women, and children that Austria will unconditionally continue its global efforts for the peace process,' Nehammer emphasized.

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